

Welcome to Post Everything Cartoons. This new cartooning website has allowed me to shoehorn a lot of my old comedy ideas into cartoon dialogues. I’m happy enough with the animation but the voices often present a problem as the characters will often stress the wrong word in a sentence. Sometimes this can be fixed simply by changing the word order or rewriting the bit, and other times the characters just step on the jokes.

I hope through all of the challenges of making these cartoons the writing will shine through. Most of them aren’t overtly political in nature, but from time to time my colors bleed through. Excuse me for that if you are somehow offended. I think people are only truly offended when they feel the insult to be personal. Let me assure everyone that nothing here is personal. In fact, if anyone gets the piss taken out of them it is yours truly.

Critical acclaim for Post Everything Cartoons:

“The writing is the moral equivalent of a really bad, really long drum solo.” …Seattle Post-Intelligencer

“How do you say ‘Not Funny’ in Spanish?” …Seattle Weekly

“Never have I found the words ‘The End’ to be so comforting.” …Vegetarian Times

“My only hope is that through the miracle of recycling, this website will end up as something remotely useful…like a drink coaster.” …National Review

#22 It's Not Me, It's You

#21 Best Friendship Examined

#20 How to Be a Pick-Up Artist

#19 Unfamous Quotes

#18 Bucket Lists Examined

#17 Jobs of the New Economy

#16 Hollywood Liberals?

#12 You Call That a School Shooting?

#14 Death With Dignity, Inc.

#13 The A-hole Tax

#7 Hair Stories from the Trenches

#6 Guardian Angel RIP

#3 Employment vs. Unemployment

#5 Lie to Me

#2 Good in Bed

#4 Rethinking Tattoos

#15 I Give Up on Manhood; I'll Take Decaf

#9 New Year's Non Resolutions

#8 I'll Drink to That

#11 Rating Your Stalker

#10 Bus Stop Movie Critic

#29 Homophobe Phobia

#28 This Expensive Bottles WAter Tastes Awesome!